Today while watching my daughter and her amazing ability to be 100% herself and have pride in doing so I thought about our society as a whole and our inability at times to just be us and have pride in doing so. I have spent the best part of the last month, ok the last year, reading through trashy magazines. Oh geez, dont get all excited, not those kinds of magazines. The ones that you will find at your local grocery story depicting what trends are hot and what every "A-list" Hollywood socialite is doing and how we can become more like them by buying their purse...excuse me, handbag. I have a theory; why is it that many people esteem to be someone else or find more times than not that
someone else is better than they are. We think someone else holds the key to self confidence and quite frankly I believe we all wish we had a little more of it. I will be the first to raise her hand and admit that I wish I had more self confidence. No, I don't wish that I could wear shorter skirts or dance on table tops...however, I do feel those two things may go hand in hand. My hope is that some day we can all be happy with the body, personality, abilities, and skills we have. I assure you that for the most part things are falling more "down" than they are "up" and even when we achieve the best someone will be coming along trying to acheive better. We fear failure. We fear not being good enough, smart enough, tall enough short enough, strong enough, nice enough. Please let me assure you if we are looking to be all things at all times, we should not fear failure we should expect it. And then when it happens realize that getting up and trying again is sometimes what creates the greatest strengths!
“I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn’t fall down.”
Allen H. Neuharth

I believe that self confidence is mearly cherishing what makes us different from other people. My hope for our younger generation is that they can be confident without being brash. Confidence is not cocky. It does not take advantage of other people and it certainly doesn't boast when it is better than others. Confidence is that quiet ability to be oneself without pressuring others to be the same. Stand confindently today people. Accept who you are. I assure you, that person you wish you were, wishes they were someone else. Are you hiding that little black dress in the back of your closet for a day when you will feel confortable wearing it. Have you considered joining a gym, but would like to lose a few pounds first. Have you always wanted to hike, bike, ride, swim, write, sew, paint, sculpt, create, love more, live bolder, wear yellow, speak your mind, live your dreams? Begin today. You have one life. One chance. You are strong enough, I promise and even if you don't feel confident enough to try, fake it til you are!
“The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear.”
William Jennings Bryan
What will you choose to do today to build your self confidence. Buy that canvas and paints. Put that black dress and heels on and go to the grocery store. I PROMISE it's looks better than the sweats and "slippers" you are planning to wear. Go for that walk and run, even if it's ten steps and then confidently say you are a runner! Be proud of your trying and celebrate your soon to be accomplishments!