Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Speed

    Hello Friends! It's Christmas Eve. Are you ready for Christmas morning. Are you second guessing all or at least some of the gifts you have purchased and wondered if heading back to the store to exchange them for a better gift is a good idea or absolute insanity? Let me say, it's insanity! Let it go! Your gift will be fine. They will love it or at least pretend to and lets be honest, that's all that really matters anyway, right? Take a few moments to breathe. Lets all stop stressing and take a moment to enjoy this holiday. I've heard more than a few times, "I'll be happy when Christmas is over.!" Let talk about stress. It's that intangible gift wrapped in a disheveled bow that we all receive particularly this time of year. What exactly is stress and why is it so bad for us?
     Let me explain. We have two types of stress. The good kind (eustress) and the bad kind (distress) and having too much of either one is bad for us. You can be certain that during the holiday season you have enough of each to power each and every Christmas light strung across the Griswold’s home. If you notice yourself diving into the holiday candy and cookies with no regard to the 3,000 calories you just packed into your belly, you can almost be certain that stress is to blame. Why is this such a big deal and the topic of today’s blog? Because knowing is half of the battle. If you have been trying with no avail to get your workouts in and eat better the past few months and no matter what you do you are certain that your family and co-workers are sabotaging you, you have a light at the end of the tunnel. The answer for some of you isn't intense exercise. Not so fast! I didn't say no exercise at all. A light walk on your own to clear your head or a fifteen minute break locked in a quiet room may be just what the doctor ordered. Relieving your stress allows you to think clearly and make better decisions. So whether you need a little time to yourself or if you need to write a to do list to clear your head, get to it.
     For those of you needing a workout, here it is! The Five minute run should be pretty intense. At the end of running you should clearly need a break. For the weight portion of this workout you will pick a muscle group to work on and tackle it for five minutes. For instance. Legs could be (Squats with different tempos and zones and a few breaks when you need them.) For those of you who have ever taken a Group Power or Body Pump class this will make much more sense. For those of you who are still lost please feel free to comment back and I will explain further.

5min warm up
5min legs
5min 5k pace run
5min chest
Repeat run
5min back
Repeat run
5min triceps
Repeat run
5min biceps
Repeat run
5min lunges
Repeat run
5 min shoulders
Repeat run

Monday, December 20, 2010

Run Like Hell! (12/18/2010)

What is it about a marathon? It seems to be the ultimate of all runs. Those who run 5k's long for a 10k, 10kers strive for a half marathon and anyone who has run a half Marathon refuses to be satisfied until they join the ranks of marathoners. Our sights are on the grueling, joint busting, muscle aching, mind crushing MARATHON! Yes, I have joined the few, the proud (not the Marines...). I am training for a Marathon.

As a personal trainer, I have mapped out a realistic time frame. I have knocked out a few preliminary runs to make sure that my legs actually remember what running is. And I have charged my Garmin 405! I am on my way. No really, I am on my way. I am actually late for my morning training run! Last sip of coffee and I'm out the door. Wish me luck. And for those of you brave enough to accept the challenge. Follow me for future training runs and nutrition guides. We are in this one together. Portland Marathon here we come...or maybe even BOSTON! =)

Calorie Burn Your Way to Christmas

As the hustle and bustle of Christmas heats up with only FIVE shopping days left how on earth will we get those workouts in and still find the perfect Christmas gift for Aunt Millie? First things first. Exercise doesnt always mean getting on a treadmill and cranking the up arrow on speed and Lord have mercy the incline. Say hello to your new gym for the next five days; your local mall, (hopefully) indoor and out of the elements. I suggest wearing comfortable clothes. Forgo the heels and forget about dressing to impress. Upon arriving, heaven forbid you drive around for twenty minutes looking for the closest parking spot. People bring an umbrella if it's raining, a coat if it's cold and a shovel if there's a snow storm, and PLEASE do not park in the closest parking spot! Once you have made the ten minute walk to the front door, I would like you take a warm up lap around the INSIDE of the mall. Begin by walking from store to store quickly. So quickly that mall security wonders if you are making off with their goods. After walking through each store and eyeballing each gift, amp up for round two. This round should take quite a bit more time as you will have to stand in a line to pay for your gifts. Consider this interval training. Speed around each store and rest while you stand in line! Hurray a few extra calories burned.

You will have surely worked up an appetite by now. No worries you will have packed some snacks in your large shopping bag or large pocket jacket. Almonds, and a water bottle will sufice unitl you get home. Please and I am begging right now, do NOT eat at the food at the food court. Nothing and I mean nothing at the food court is worthy of eating during your workout.

Congrats! You have finished your last minute shopping. For those of you that are concerned with not being able to traverse the mall at top speed. I assure you if someone sees you heading toward them at mach speed they will certainly move aside. Happy shopping and good LUCK!

PS. Those of you making your gifts. I'll see you at the gym!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tis The Season

Tis the season to gorge on all of those tasty treats! Hurray! Not so fast. The average American will gain 7-10 lbs this holiday season and lets be honest that's only the average. The marathon runners and fitness enthusiasts who will actually lose a few pounds bring that average down for the rest of America.

Why oh why do we need to cling to those holiday flavored lattes (make that a venti please) or those oh so decitant cookies and "tasty morsels?" Probably because we will never have them again! Uh, until next year. Corporate america is smart! Really smart. Market it as a holiday item and we will buy it up gobble it up, or you name it we will find a way to consume it. So lets make a pact, for the next two weeks we will not buy anything in a red or green package. Really, I'm serious these colors are just screaming SPECIAL SPECIAL ME! Don't do it, dont fall for it. Step away from the holiday candy bowl.

I know, I realize that I am a kill joy. But at risk of sounding like the Christmas Grinch it's not worth it. Moderation is not a four letter word (really it's ten). A bite here and there of a tasty treat is not going to send you spiraling into holiday fatness or diving into a diabetic coma. But the entire Snowman cookie jar will! Here are a few tips to survive the holiday food rush. 1. Keep a journal on the days that you are tempted to eat poorly (this would include any day between January 1st and December 31st). 2. Move more. Really fidgit if you have to, but move! Those who exercise see how hard it is to burn calories and are much more likely to say "no" to that Santa sugar cookie. 3. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. If you plan ahead for those holiday parties you will eat less than if you just give in and go for a free for all.

Good luck and Good Health!