Monday, December 20, 2010

Run Like Hell! (12/18/2010)

What is it about a marathon? It seems to be the ultimate of all runs. Those who run 5k's long for a 10k, 10kers strive for a half marathon and anyone who has run a half Marathon refuses to be satisfied until they join the ranks of marathoners. Our sights are on the grueling, joint busting, muscle aching, mind crushing MARATHON! Yes, I have joined the few, the proud (not the Marines...). I am training for a Marathon.

As a personal trainer, I have mapped out a realistic time frame. I have knocked out a few preliminary runs to make sure that my legs actually remember what running is. And I have charged my Garmin 405! I am on my way. No really, I am on my way. I am actually late for my morning training run! Last sip of coffee and I'm out the door. Wish me luck. And for those of you brave enough to accept the challenge. Follow me for future training runs and nutrition guides. We are in this one together. Portland Marathon here we come...or maybe even BOSTON! =)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to read your blog! I am training for a half-marathon in Feb. Have hit a small bump in the road with end of term school work and holidays but I am sure I will be back on track come first week of Jan!
