Hello Friends! It's Christmas Eve. Are you ready for Christmas morning. Are you second guessing all or at least some of the gifts you have purchased and wondered if heading back to the store to exchange them for a better gift is a good idea or absolute insanity? Let me say, it's insanity! Let it go! Your gift will be fine. They will love it or at least pretend to and lets be honest, that's all that really matters anyway, right? Take a few moments to breathe. Lets all stop stressing and take a moment to enjoy this holiday. I've heard more than a few times, "I'll be happy when Christmas is over.!" Let talk about stress. It's that intangible gift wrapped in a disheveled bow that we all receive particularly this time of year. What exactly is stress and why is it so bad for us?
Let me explain. We have two types of stress. The good kind (eustress) and the bad kind (distress) and having too much of either one is bad for us. You can be certain that during the holiday season you have enough of each to power each and every Christmas light strung across the Griswold’s home. If you notice yourself diving into the holiday candy and cookies with no regard to the 3,000 calories you just packed into your belly, you can almost be certain that stress is to blame. Why is this such a big deal and the topic of today’s blog? Because knowing is half of the battle. If you have been trying with no avail to get your workouts in and eat better the past few months and no matter what you do you are certain that your family and co-workers are sabotaging you, you have a light at the end of the tunnel. The answer for some of you isn't intense exercise. Not so fast! I didn't say no exercise at all. A light walk on your own to clear your head or a fifteen minute break locked in a quiet room may be just what the doctor ordered. Relieving your stress allows you to think clearly and make better decisions. So whether you need a little time to yourself or if you need to write a to do list to clear your head, get to it.
For those of you needing a workout, here it is! The Five minute run should be pretty intense. At the end of running you should clearly need a break. For the weight portion of this workout you will pick a muscle group to work on and tackle it for five minutes. For instance. Legs could be (Squats with different tempos and zones and a few breaks when you need them.) For those of you who have ever taken a Group Power or Body Pump class this will make much more sense. For those of you who are still lost please feel free to comment back and I will explain further.
5min warm up
5min legs
5min 5k pace run
5min chest
Repeat run
5min back
Repeat run
5min triceps
Repeat run
5min biceps
Repeat run
5min lunges
Repeat run
5 min shoulders
Repeat run
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