Day 1: Feeling fully energized. Not a care in the world. Not even slightly tempted by grains or sugar. I can still have my cup of coffee in the morning so who the heck cares about grains and sugar.
Day 2: Woke early, ready to meet the day. I'm fairly certain at 4:30am no one should have a skip in their step, but I did. Kale, spinach, green, apple, banana, soy hemp protein smoothie blended and ready to eat at 7:00am. By 9:30 with a Step class taught and feeling quite revitalized....NO, that was not the case. The hemp.....protein drink was quickly expanding in my stomach. 17 grams of fiber sloshing around for an hour is NEVER a good idea. By 12pm the lack of sugar head aches had kicked in. I'm fairly certain little men wear River dancing in my skull. This is going to be a very long 6 weeks. Note to self: ease up on that Hemp protein powder, and 6 cups of spinach kale and greens may a bit much to start with. Feel free to try out my smoothie.
Fresh Cut Grass
2 cups of Spinach
2 cups of Kale

1/2 Cucumber
10 baby carrots
1/2 Cup frozen blueberries
4 frozen strawberries
1 cup soy, almond or coconut milk
1-2 servings protein powder
1 cup of ice
Makes 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 CUPS! Each 3 cup serving is 286 calories and 12 grams of fiber. You can freeze half and have as an afternoon snack. (I don't recommend this if you haven't had a lot of veggies in the last few weeks-and never drink prior to a hard workout!)