Wednesday, April 10, 2013

On the Road to Boston

Click to show "Boston Red Sox" result 20Growing up my family was all things New England, and more specifically Boston. I grew up in Alaska and it was shocking to many people that I was aware of the happenings of the “Lower 48.” My parents hailed from Boston, Massachusetts. I was entirely too interested in the east coast as a child. I wasn’t aware there was an r in the alphabet until third grade when I learned the word quarter actually had an r in it. I rooted for the Celtics when they were great, good and well, not so great.  I wasn’t actually certain there were names to other baseball teams in the American League.  The Boston Red Sox were always playing that other team. And I rooted harder when they played that team with the white and navy striped uniforms; ya know “what’s their name.” More importantly to me in the sports realm was the awe inspiring Boston Marathon.  Every year come April I would watch coverage of this coveted race. Some children aspired to be doctors, dentists and astronauts. I aspired to be a Rock Star, and a Boston Marathon Qualifier. Since I have absolutely no musical talent, I was certain Rock Star status would only be attained through the theoretical. I was a runner. Fast? Not really. Determined? Yes. I could do this. I could dream big! At least that’s what the eleven year old me thought.

Some twenty years later, don’t do the math, I am facing the reality that I may be able to make this dream a reality. As Monday, April 15th (Marathon Monday) looms in our very near future I wonder: Is this a possibility? This Patriots Day some 25,000 runners will line up; some for the first time and others as seasoned veterans. They will be sent on their way, cheered on by 500,000 dedicated fans. Can this be achieved? I’m not striving for impossible. I don’t wish to be one in a million or even one in a hundred thousand. To stand in the ranks and be counted as one in 20,000 is just fine with me. So this year I will wake early, run far, sweat much and dream big in hopes of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. You can catch me on December 8th lining up in hopes to achieve what a young girl thought possible. I may not qualify or even come close, but I will never regret trying. So you may follow me Wednesdays on my journey back to my heritage. And if, by chance, I forget to pronounce my r’s or start drinking green beer, fear not I’m sure Boston Fever will pass soon enough.
Shadow Spacer


(effective September 22, 2012)
Age GroupMenWomen
18-343hrs 05min 00sec3hrs 35min 00sec
35-393hrs 10min 00sec3hrs 40min 00sec
40-443hrs 15min 00sec3hrs 45min 00sec
45-493hrs 25min 00sec3hrs 55min 00sec
50-543hrs 30min 00sec4hrs 00min 00sec
55-593hrs 40min 00sec4hrs 10min 00sec
60-643hrs 55min 00sec4hrs 25min 00sec
65-694hrs 10min 00sec4hrs 40min 00sec
70-744hrs 25min 00sec4hrs 55min 00sec
75-794hrs 40min 00sec5hrs 10min 00sec
80 and over4hrs 55min 00sec5hrs 25min 00sec

Shadow Spacer

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