Friday, March 7, 2014

Fast Living

Today is the day I change it all! Today I will walk 10,000 steps. I will eat a solid breakfast lunch and dinner. I wont even consider the notion of eating sugar. I will quit smoking. Stop drinking. And just be an all around better person. Before all of you go Face booking that I eat drink and smoke....keep reading.

We all have goals to be better and do better. And by golly we are going to do it all today. Break it off in pieces and tackle them one at a time? Heck no! We want it and we want it now. We want to change and we want to change now. Welcome to our New World Order! Fast! Fast food! Fast parenting! Fast fitness! Fast Internet access. Fast living. Slow the front door down people.

I as much as the rest of you like to move quickly. I walk at break neck speeds and for my meager 5'4" frame. I could rival even the longest of legs in speed. However, sometimes you just need to slow it down. You get 60 seconds a min. 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. That's it!

When I was growing up

Here we go with the, when I was a kid. But it begs to be pointed out. We didn't have freaking COMPUTERS or cell phones, for that matter!!!!! I am 33 years old, not 103. In 15 very short years we have become a bunch of screaming 2 year olds. Seriously! I was seated at a restaurant and this man was throwing a fit that would rival my 2 year old son.. I was certain by this mans flailing arms and convulsing body that someone had spit in his food. His complaint? He had to wait Fifteen minutes for his food. Holy crap! Fifteen minutes?! Let me be crystal clear. If my husband acted like that when I make him dinner I would throw the skillet at his head. What does this guy eat for dinner on a regular basis? Minute meals? And if so, I have my business card he needs. Life doesn't have to serve us quickly all of the time.

Sometimes, you are going to drive behind the little ol' lady that is still in her mind driving on the roads of 1952 and not the 18 lane high ways of today. And unless you are driving your wife to the hospital to give birth, you can take a minute to slow your car down as well.

We want fast, but I'm not entirely certain what we want it for. Where are we getting so much faster? High stress? Anxiety? Depression for not getting life on our terms? Overweight? Irritated? Enjoy when life moves quickly and enjoy it even more when it slows down for you.

It's National Day of Unplugging! So after you read this blog and comment below. Unplug your electronics. Walk slower. Sit down to eat. Drive the speed limit. Do not use your universal sign for "Get off the Freaking road old lady!!!!" Take a breath. Heck some of you need to take twenty. If you are eating out tip your waitress extra because I assure you she has heard at least a few times this week. "MY FOOD TOOK TOO LONG!!!!!"



  1. One step at a time, one goal at a time... with the help of a fantastic support system... it can be done!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
