One week of no dairy, sugar, grains or alcohols. Let me tell you America; we are living in a foggy haze and don't even know it. I embarked on this challenge to rid myself of what years of eating sugar and simple carbs has done to my digestive tract. Embarassingly, I admit I am a bit of a sugar-a-holic and also admit; I train to eat instead of eating to train.
New leaf, here I am. Days one, two and three were rough and also surprisingly easy. The headaches from refusing my body sugar were a real pain in the... And now that I think about it the extreme increase in green leafy veggies were equally a pain in the... However, on the brighter side, I fell asleep with ease and oddly, popped out of bed at the crack of dawn (4am). My husband would tell you I already popped out of bed like toast, but now I jump out of bed like bread on fire, toast. I ate a ridiculous amount of blended veggies. You name it, it was in my blender at one point. I stocked up on healthy fats such as flax seed and olive oil, I ate lean proteins at each meal instead of once a day. My veggie (organic) servings sky rocketed and I began to feel like carrots and fruit were tasty treats.

I have five more weeks to go. I have had my blood work done and am awaiting to see the results, but while I wait for science here are the changes I have seen/felt. I no long crave sugar or carbs. I have not thought to myself, "What tasty treat can I have now that I'm full from dinner." I eat approx. 300-350 calories at each meal and feel satisfied and sometimes full. I have lost 1.5 pounds (this was not my goal but still surprising to me, since I only exercised 2.5 hours all week). I do not NEED a cup of coffee in the mornings to feel alert and I no longer toss and turn in bed for nearly an hour to fall asleep. Most surprising to me is, I was finding myself slurring my speech and feeling foggy in the brain and now I think and speak more clearly. However, I'm fairly certain, my clients wished I wouldn't speak at all.

Take home lesson here: your food is your medicine. Your food choices determine how you will feel and function. Here are your action steps. 1. Visit your doctor and have your blood work done, initial weigh in and blood pressure reading. 2. Head to your pantry and start to over haul. Out with flour sugar, dairy and anything in a box and in with the vegetables, beans, nuts and lean proteins. I'm serious you will be forced to think outside of the box and quite frankly if you can't find ANYTHING to eat, well, I'm sure you wont starve to death. 3. Get moving. Exercise is not mandatory, but high five if you do. I mean actually move. Get up and clean your house, mow your own lawn, park farther away, make excuses to move each day. 4. WRITE IT DOWN!!!!! I cannot be more adamant about any of the action steps. Writing things down allows you to see your goal and when written, more people will achieve their goal. And lastly 5. Get accountable. This may mean finding a personal trainer/health coach, asking your spouse to back you up, or having your best and most vocal friend check up on your daily. Find someone that will call you on your crap and isn't afraid to hear, "You don't understand." And once they here that, will sincerely and with much love say "I don't give a rats .... stop eating the crap and get moving."
Feel free to comment below and I will gladly remind you to put the donut down and step away from the french fries!