Day 1,2,3 - Prep Nutrition. Rest week between trainings.
Day 4 - Easy 3 mile run. After a week and a half off I anticipated feeling like I was running with wings. I assure you my legs felt more like heavy bricks. Oddly enough there was no wind, but I felt like I was running against a turbine. Lets just call it slow and not easy. Sometimes easy is subjective.
Day 6 - REST! Took it upon myself to focus on foam rolling (will talk more about this later), and hip exercises.
Day 7 - 5 miles on a treadmill. Thank you Cascade Athletic Club in Gresham OR for the new FreeMotion treadmills. Track running has never been so fun. I ran in Africa this week and there is nothing like being chased by lions to make you haul ass.
Week one is done and I feel like this is going to be a peice of cake. (Please don't throw this in my face after I post my 21 mile training day) Probably, becuase I have completed 12 miles in four days or maybe because I haven't had to juggle, Glide (we will talk about this is future posts), electrolyte replacements, food for the road and stretching calves while waiting in line. Continue following me every Wednesday for updates on my training and heck join in with me! You will be race ready for a half by August 10th and a full by December 15th if you begin today! Feel free to comment below how it's going for you or any questions you may have on training.
Please remember this training regimine is for advid to advanced runners. If you are using this for training purposes, please be sure to run at your speed and distance level. Decreasing mileage or taking days off may be necessary. When in doubt seek advice from a coach/trainer.
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