Let me tell you! I fell off of the Healthy Wagon. I'm not talking Red Rider Wagon or a Volkswagen. I'm talking a full blown 1800's travel east, horse pulling, covered wagon. Unfortunately after falling off the wagon my leg got caught and it' just pulled me along knocking me against rocks, roots, boulders and giving me a nice dousing in the mud puddles. I have spent the better part of the last month cleaning up my diet. Not for weight loss sake, as I am sure someone would verbally flog me if they thought I was attempting to lose weight. No, I took part in this journey to heal myself of what, I'm sure, my teenage and college years did to destroy my digestive tract. We will just leave my Freshman Fifteen and Thirsty Thursday days to the imagination. I was born again, new and revived, happy, well slept and alert for my first three weeks. And then it happened! I hit a bump in the road and was it ever a bump! No dairy; check. No grains; check. No sugar or alcohol; check and check. In one twenty four hour period I'm fairly certain I annihilated all of these do-nots and boy did I pay for it. I am certain that not even my worst college day hangover would compare to the headache and stomach ache I was feeling from FRENCH TOAST! Who the heck

would ever think that the French would have a toast that could in two small pieces send me careening for a metaphoric health cliff?! I will spare you the details of the rest of the 24 hour period that became my undoing. Let's just say I am a all-or-none personality type.
I told myself that I would not put this his hap in print, because I'm sure it would only encourage others to have a cheat meal or day or week. Let's be honest. I wasn't going to put this in print because I was certain my squeaky clean, borderline perfect self would be tarnished. So here it is. I fell hard. Didn't feel like getting up. Considered wallowing in pity with a bag of peanut butter M&M's while I was down. Oh, no! I got up blended another spinach smoothie and resolved to live healthier.

This may come as a shock, but the feeling of eating what ever I wanted and reaping the rewards....uh punishments was nothing compared to the feeling I got after 24 hours of clean, real food eating. I'm back, in full effect and looking up; or should I say down to the garden.
Was this written about me...LOL. TA
ReplyDeleteNo, but if the shoe fits you are more than welcome to wear them. I'm giving them away:)