I am radio silent no more. For the past 7 days I have had house guests. Ones I love, heck I even like. I looked forward to their arrival. I enjoyed their stay and dreaded their departure. However, I learned a very valuable lesson that I feel the need to share. Lack of structure will rock your healthy world! I mean, rock it to the core. Take all of your practices and habits forced or otherwise, throw them into that handy dandy VitaMix you spent all of your hard earned pennies on and hit the Max button. You see, I have spent years trying to determine what makes eating healthy and exercise easier. Building structure into your life is what I tout and drill into client after client, but I haven't really come face to face with the reality of this fact until now.
I ate terribly. If there is another word that could fully describe destroying 6 weeks of hard-work-cleansing you may insert it here. I had zero structure and my diet paid for it. Why is having a structured life so important to improve your diet and overall health? Well, with out structure you eat what you want, go to bed when you feel like it, drink water...never, workout when you "have time" for it. Lets be honest, we are selfish satisfaction driven people at our worst. Don't get your underpants in a twist I'm pointing at myself as well.
We are like children. We need structure. We hate it. We kick and scream and demand to do what we want but we function at our best when we have a clear cut goal. When we know our healthy choices for breakfast we generally eat breakfast. When we know what our "actual" bed time is, we wake up feeling rested. When we have written a grocery list from a menu plan we buy healthy options and forgo the bags of Oreos (most of the time).

If you are racking your brain trying to determine what will make this healthy kick easier. PLAN AHEAD! Write it down. Sketch it out. Paint it in color. Type it into a calendar. Tattoo it on your arm...well maybe not this one. Structure will get you to your goal. I know. I know. Boring right?! It's ok it only lasts for a short time. Once it has become a true lifestyle change you can start to color outside of the lines.
Jot down your goal for the next 7 days and then fill in with your actual outcomes.
Day One:
Wake Up Time:
Bed Time:
Water Intake Goal:
Day Two:....
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