Oh I couldn't be more excited! You will all be ecstatic to find out, CORN is in SEASON! I'm not certain why in America we would be concerned as to when corn is or is not in season. Given the fact you can find corn in anything and everything, I don't think this is information we need to place into our reminder list with multiple alerts. In fact I wouldn't be shocked to find corn as an ingredient in my toothpaste(pst it is an ingredient in toothpaste.) Corn, although good for you has completely lost my interest as I have no worry that everyone is eating enough of it. So like the 2012 Miss USA title holder, I have relinquished corn's title of Veggie of the Week and am defaulting to cucumber.
Cucumbers, oh the puffy eye diminishing delight! These puppies will rid a bad nights sleep in 10 short minutes. Have you actually tried placing cumbers on your eyes to diminish puffiness? Not worth the ten minutes. Other than beckoning my 1 year old over to pull them off my eyes and eat them, they do no good. A cold wet compress will do the job quite nicely. However, if you choose to ingest them, they bring on a healthy wonderful surprise. In an entire cup of sliced cucumbers there are 20 calories, and 4% of your Vitamin A and C needs. Lets not get too worked up over the meager 4%. It adds up. Really! If you ate 25 cups of cucumbers you would be completely full and have 100% of your daily A and C needs consumed. Not a bad idea in my book. Certainly not a good idea either. Let me say, most of these nutrients are in the skin, so definitely go for organic, wash them before eating and for goodness sakes don't shave all of the skin off.
In the event you aren't into consuming cucumbers like they are Thanksgiving dinner; I recommend eating them in many of your favorite foods to bulk up fullness without packing in the calories.
How to sneak cucumbers into your food:
Add to...Sandwiches (so long as it isn't PBandJ)
Egg Salad
Ice Water
Macaroni salad
Use as dipping agents (instead of bread, crackers or chips)
Dice with tomatoes and avocado as a fresh summer salad.
Pickel aand use as pickles
Diced on morning eggs
Cucumbers, sliced thin, with sea salt and pepper are great!