Do you ever just reach your limit? That moment where you feel the water rising and you have no where to go and you feel like you are drowning in the stress, depression, anger, grief, and pure frustration of "it" all. You try with all of your might and you keep trying. It just doesn't seem to get better, easier, or worth it. Life can often times feel like the sinking Titanic. Such a great adventure and then here comes the iceberg. The idea that it gets better doesn't seem to help the present it-sucks-so-much feeling. And no matter who has a word of advice it doesn't seem loud enough to break through the anger in your head. It happens. We have all been there. Some of us are there more often than others. We fight, we scream, some of us internally, others loud enough for all to hear, but none of us come out unscathed. So what do we do when we are facing the rising waters?
Get out? Give up? Give in? Some do. Some dig their heels in and refuse to lose the battle. We fight internally hoping it doesn't show externally. We put on a happy face and hope the world doesn't see our pain. We fear the embarrassment of these feelings will ruin us. We deal with the pain ourselves. And then others, reach out reach Up and allow themselves to be helped. It takes a strong person to ask for help when they are down on their luck, kicked in the gut with hands thrown in the air and towel thrown in the ring. It comes in a small whisper, but is heard as a cry. We live in a world with over 7 billion people. They are out there. Those helpers that are born to help.
Are you a needer or a helper today? If you have ever looked into a self help or rehab center. Your greatest tool is to help others. For some reason life doesn't look so dreary when you can extend a hand of help. Maybe it's because you see you aren't the only one struggling in this great big world, maybe it's just therapeutic to help another human being. What ever it is. It works. Maybe we don't feel it at first but merely going through the actions changes our mind. Don't feel like feeding the homeless? You have too much stress and anger built up towards this world that has done nothing but kick you in the teeth? Do it any way. You'll feel it, a heart change. Some of us were born to serve and others were born to learn to serve.
Great blog very inspiring. its true for me.i was always had an Image I had to portray. (I am the strong, the wise, intelligent person.) I could not lower myself to ask for help. That would make me week. But knowing there are other strong people out there with the same problems made me more open to adk for help.