We (and I use that term loosely since I spend most of my days running crazy) spend eight hours a day in an office building working tirelessly for "the man." Who this man is they speak of I'm not sure. The clock strikes 5 and out of the fluorescent light we scamper only to sit in our cars for an additional 30-60min in high stress, please-don't-let-me-flip-that-person-off mode. Working out after work seems like the impossible and eating something that isn't jam packed with carbs is borderline foreign. The hours we should be spending sleeping are used up with mindless tv, because after all after a long day in the office don't we deserve it?! Forget waking up early! The snooze button is broken from being hit so many times at rapid fire, full force. So how do we get ahead with our health when 95% of our life is working against us???
Lets focus on changing our greatest percentage of time. The hours spent at work! Sally, your best girl friend in your office and Tom who hits you up for a high five when entering the office in the morning seem to always bring tasty treats. We aren't sure where Sally finds the time to make triple chocolate caramel brownies three times a week. Hell, she has five kids and volunteers for her daughters Girl Scout Troop. Mind you, daily you both reminisce about your pre baby bodies and how losing 20lbs would be near to winning the Power Ball Jack Pot. Tom lives twenty minutes from the donut shop but arrives late carrying 2 dozen donuts. All is forgiven for his lateness since he's toting sugary coma snacks. It's time to have "the talk" with your co-workers. It's time to change the mood of your office. It's time to get Sally a new hobby and Tom to work on time!
You want a wellness program but you work for a mom and pops company who doesn't have the funding to create a wellness program. Or maybe you work for a large cooperation that pinches it's pennies tighter than a vice grip. You may need to think outside of the box. Create your own wellness program. Develop a walking group during your lunch hour. Have points for steps logged on the stairs, or ounces of water drank during the work day. Rack up points for each serving of vegetable "eaten" at lunch time. Hell, give double points for those who get their workout in before arriving to work.
Once you have "created" your spreadsheet (I live in spreadsheet world!) go to your owner/CEO/highest on the totem pole and ask for a wanted item for the office or a coveted new electronic. If the stingy....stinkers wont fork over a $50 -$100 incentive then charge $5 for buy in the wellness program and use the money to purchase prizes. At the end of the 30 days the person with the highest points wins the prize. Excuses will never create change. It's time to get up off your swivel chair and "BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE HAPPEN."
I completely agree. We have to build a healthy environment so our chances of success to a new healthy person can be successful. And unfortunately we cannot be selective when it comes to our coworkers and family members, so maybe we can influence them to make good choices.