Wouldn't you know it that the moment you make a commitment to changing your diet life would come around and kick you right in the back end. My husband, however loving and caring, came home last night with a QUART of soy delicious ice cream. So the dilemma, do I eat the ice cream and make my husband happy or stick to my iron will to never even think about sugar again let alone humor the thought of eating it. Yes, fellow readers, I ate the ice cream, all three bites of it and then passed the rest to my husband. And do you know what I learned? I didn't really even care to have it. Knowing I could took away all of the desire to eat it. Why do I mention this? Because you will all have temptations and when those arise you need to tell yourself, "If I really want this I can have it, but do I really even want it?" Too often we eat the banana cream pie and can't even stand the taste of bananas. We simply finish it because our minds tell us we should want it and if we can have it we should probably take twice as much.
Our next step is simple. All I need you to do is stop and give yourself a good thirty seconds before you give in to that next temptation. Go through a quick list of questions. Do I really want this? How will I feel when I am done? How did I feel the last time after I ate something really sweet? I'm not saying you will always make the right decision, but you will certainly be well on your way to making better decisions that will eventually become habitual.
Reading this is good for me Kristen! Thanks!