Have we all set our New Year's Resolutions? Have you all completed at least one or two exercise sessions or made a healthy(ier) meal this week. Have some of us cleaned out a closet, organized a drawer, paid toward a credit card, told someone we love that we love them? Some of you will answer no while others will holler yes with such joy and jubilee that you would think it was Christmas all over again. Many thought it was impossible others knew it was because your goal was made in a drunken stupor. No, Joe you probably won’t marry Jessica Simpson this year and Jenn you probably won’t climb a mountain since you have a very healthy fear of heights and despise the outdoors. But, who am I to judge. If, however, you have deemed that a new and realistic resolution is your best bet, fire away. Remember the rules though, make it lofty and make it fun.
I've heard from one or more than two of you that you don't set resolutions any longer and you think they are silly. This explains a lot with what is wrong in the United States. People let me explain why it is that we set resolutions and no it isn't so we can feel bad come February 1st when we haven't even attempted to resolve to change. A resolution simply states this: the act of resolving or determining on the action to do something. If you don’t at least a few times a year resolve to do something big or even worthy then we all should just stick our heads in the sand and call it a day. Why is it that we wake up and each day and head to work, school, our local coffee shop, or even just our kitchen table? Because deep down inside each and every one of us there is something telling us, spurring us on, encouraging us to do great things. Some of us ignore that very small or in some cases loud voice, while others take their lives by the horns and demand to sharpen the saw (Thank you Steven Covey.) Why am I on my soap box today? Because I want better for us in 2011. I want to look back on this year and think, "Man, we really kicked ass and took names, we are brighter and better than we were at the start of this year and we are happier and healthier to boot!"
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