Are any of us having any second thoughts on giving up sugar. Have some of you been experiencing the dreaded sugar headache? Or should I say, lack of sugar headache. Some of you will be experiencing moodiness, a deep sense of loss, and some of you will even suspect a bit of depression. Is this girl kidding? No, I'm not! Eating sugar increases serotonin in our bodies which is our feel good hormone. If we have been spiking our serotonin by sugar stacking our way to happiness it goes without saying that a lack of this surge will leave us feeling a bit down in the dumps. No fret. After a week or two your body will learn how to regulate it's own serotonin levels. You will notice better nights sleep, more alert days, a significant decrease in afternoon slumps and your feeling of hope will return. I promise all of the hard work is worth going through.
Are some of you finding yourselves in the kitchen opening every cabinet and refrigerator door hundreds of times during the day hoping that something appealing without sugar will jump out? Shut the doors people and step away from the kitchen. Now is a great time to find a hobby. You will find yourself having a bit more time. Now, lets not get too excited here, we're talking 15-20minutes more. This is the amount of time the average person wastes prepping for and eating those unneeded sugar calories each day. With your time, pick up your house, organize that closet that was on your resolution list, google hobbies and pick one, pick up a good read, go for a walk. You are quickly becoming the healthiest you, you can be.
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