Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week 3 - Run Kristen Run

prgrsvimg 1 - Step, Step, Stepping my way up to nicer buns and stronger legs. If I can only find a way to work these pesky snowman arms while teaching a Step class. I'm sure no one would notice if I wore long sleeves filled with sand. Maybe next week...

Day 2 - Rest. Okay don't give me a ration of crap. I think if you look at week two you will notice, I deserve this day of rest. Okay, don't look! I may not deserve it, but I took it any way. Deal with it.

prgrsvimg 3 - 12 miles (Miles 6-10 race pace). I've got some work to do with pacing myself. If you looked at my Garmin watch (yes, I am "that" person) you will find that miles 3, 7, 9, and 12 were race pace. The way I look at it, 4 miles race pace is 4 miles race pace, no matter how you get it done. Please don't write this in your running book. This is not actually sound advice.

Day 4 - Upon my husband leaving for the day I promptly piled my herd of children in the car. I may be exaggerating. I only have three children, but sometimes I feel like I am corralling cattle to get them all in the car. Of the gym we go where there are shiny happy faces awaiting to take my children off of my hands so I can get a fun workout in. Elliptical workout, fun? Not really. But done, yes.

Day 5 - 1 miles warm up, 3 mile tempo run, 1 mile cool down. The day started with rain. Rain continued to dance while I ate my lunch, picked up my kids from school, cooked and ate dinner and laced up my shoes. UHG! This is going to ssssss, certainly be a fun filled tempo run. I headed out the front door and by the grace of God, the clouds parted for exactly 41 minutes there was not a rain drop in site. I know this because I was back at home standing on my front porch at 40 min and 58 sec watching while the first rain drop fell.

Day 6 - Step. No, no sand filled sleeves this week either. But let me tell you; a nice Spinach-Protein Smoothie before class can really rock your world. And I don't mean the I just won a million dollars rock your world. I'm talking more or less the....okay, I'll just let you use your imagination and it's not the good kind of rock your world.

Day 7 - Run 4 miles and weight training. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill which can actually be counted as 8 miles since that's what it feels like when you are on a treadmill.

Although my treadmill doesn't look like this ancient grain grinding treadmill. I am certain this picture will convey the drudgery I endured.

Monday, May 27, 2013


prgrsvimg's Myth-Busting-Monday is also our healthy veggie of the week. Potatoes are not what is making America fat. I hear, potatoes are bad for you from more than a few people. They have to high of a glycemic level. They are like eating a candy bar. Let me say it again in case you didn't hear me before. Potatoes are not making us fat. Eating potatoes deep fried, smothered in sugary ketchup, mixed with butter and cream, or smothered with sour cream and more butter; now that may be what is helping us pack on the pounds. A potato cooked and served on it's own is packed with potassium, vitamin C and if eaten in entirety (yes, this means the skin too) serves up some much needed fiber. When coupled with a high protein option, such as a chicken breast or lean fish the body is able to use those starchy carbohydrates properly. Less impact on the system and more energy to get you through the day.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What the...Were You Thinking?!

Conestoga Wagon - Photograph by Ed Meskens of a painting completed in 1883 by Newbold Hough Trotter (1827-1898), painting is in the State Museum of PennsylvaniaLet me tell you! I fell off of the Healthy Wagon. I'm not talking Red Rider Wagon or a Volkswagen. I'm talking a full blown 1800's travel east, horse pulling, covered wagon. Unfortunately after falling off the wagon my leg got caught and it' just pulled me along knocking me against rocks, roots, boulders and giving me a nice dousing in the mud puddles. I have spent the better part of the last month cleaning up my diet. Not for weight loss sake, as I am sure someone would verbally flog me if they thought I was attempting to lose weight. No, I took part in this journey to heal myself of what, I'm sure, my teenage and college years did to destroy my digestive tract. We will just leave my Freshman Fifteen and Thirsty Thursday days to the imagination. I was born again, new and revived, happy, well slept and alert for my first three weeks. And then it happened! I hit a bump in the road and was it ever a bump! No dairy; check. No grains; check. No sugar or alcohol; check and check. In one twenty four hour period I'm fairly certain I annihilated all of these do-nots and boy did I pay for it. I am certain that not even my worst college day hangover would compare to the headache and stomach ache I was feeling from FRENCH TOAST! Who the heck
Overnight French Toastwould ever think that the French would have a toast that could in two small pieces send me careening for a metaphoric health cliff?! I will spare you the details of the rest of the 24 hour period that became my undoing. Let's just say I am a all-or-none personality type.

I told myself that I would not put this his hap in print, because I'm sure it would only encourage others to have a cheat meal or day or week. Let's be honest. I wasn't going to put this in print because I was certain my squeaky clean, borderline perfect self would be tarnished. So here it is. I fell hard. Didn't feel like getting up. Considered wallowing in pity with a bag of peanut butter M&M's while I was down. Oh, no! I got up blended another spinach smoothie and resolved to live healthier.

This may come as a shock, but the feeling of eating what ever I wanted and reaping the rewards....uh punishments was nothing compared to the feeling I got after 24 hours of clean, real food eating. I'm back, in full effect and looking up; or should I say down to the garden.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pineapple! If you have ever considered taking every healthy green and blending it together in a concoction I can only describe as fresh cut grass? I'm sure you have, haven't we all? More than cover the taste of earth in our healthy green drink, pineapple packs a serious health punch. It is listed on the clean dozen as a fruit/veggie with the least amount of contaminants; ie. you don't have to spend your pennies on organic so long as you don't plan to eat the rind.

Pineapple is currently being researched for it's anti inflammatory agents in treating sinusitis, sore throats and arthritis. When eaten between meals it aids in the digestion process. For those of you exercisers that are gafauing at the thought of eating sugar no matter how natural. Pineapple is rich in potassium and helps with balancing electrolytes, hence warding off muscle cramps and soreness. I for one will be noshing on a few rounds after a heaving lifting day. Pineapple also contains bromelain, stick with me on this one. Bromelain is an agent that aids in digestion. It helps break down proteins. Yes, so all of those blended protein shakes you are slamming down to build up those muscles pineapple will help in making that protein usable in your body. Pst, it also has the same effect as a NSAID and steroids when mixed with turmeric. Bromelain and Vitamin C found in high levels in this wonder fruit are also integral in immune system health. I for one am convinced. In the event these healthy reasons don't sway you; pineapple is also cheap and delicious.

Compliments of
Photo: Thinkstock
Enjoy this beverage as often as you like. (I typically recommend two glasses between meals.) Pineapple contains digestive enzymes. Kale is rich in compounds that support enzymes in the liver. And artichoke can improve bile flow.


  • ½ cup pineapple
  • 4 cups chopped kale leaves (no stems)
  • 2 large cucumbers
  • ½ lemon, squeezed
  • ½ cup mint
  • 2 artichoke hearts (from can or jar)


If you don't have a juicer, use a blender on high; just add 1½ cups water and remove the pulp with a strainer.

I recommend keeping the pulp in and getting a few extra grams of fiber.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week 2 - Done and Done

Day 1 - XTraining. Does sitting cross legged count for cross training? Just kidding. Step class was my pick. You will quickly find that my cross training will consist of hollering at the top of my lungs to a group of women and men who excitedly laugh at every one of my jokes. Not because they are funny, but in fact because they fear if they don't I will inevitably push them harder. Please note this is not torture as I'm sure my jokes are, in fact, hysterically funny.

Day 2 - REST DAY

Day 3 - 14 mile Bike Ride. Up before the crack of dawn. Seriously there wasn't even a slice of light peering through my shades. Thank you Cascade Athletic Club for getting new Expresso Bikes. I created a lake of sweat below my peddles.

Day 4 - 3 miles run Hmmm. How should I go about informing you, I did not actually complete this run. Heck, I didn't even start it. I snuggled up in my bed and enjoyed my children bringing me breakfast. Upon rising for the day I made it a point to put on clothes that would encourage active behavior...just so long as active was lounging on the couch reading a good book. Today was my miss. Happy Mother's Day to me!

Day 5 - 1 mile warm up with 2 mile Tempo run and 1.5 mile cool down. Good night nurse. I headed out with the wind pelting me in the face; fully dressed for spring in Oregon. On my cool down, 1.5 miles, the clouds dispersed, the sun came out in full force and I'm fairly certain I may have gotten a sunburn through my long sleeves, and vest. 7:00min/mi tempo pace. A win in my book.

Day 6 - Step Class. Yelling optional today!

Day 7 - Negative Split 5 Miles with second half faster than the first. Hello treadmill. I have found my favorite run. Start slow and haul a$$ at the end.

Second week of training was a hit and a miss. Started with a NASTY sore throat. A box of zinc lozenges and a diet rich in veggies later, I succeeded in missing very little of my training. Hit a killer speed day and looking forward to what next week brings.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sleepytime under rated and yet so coveted. We run around crazy day after day, night after night trying to squeeze an extra hour out of every day. Winston Churchill, Martha Stewart, Thomas Edison and Jay Leno are a few of our famous slim to nil sleepers. Successful, yes. However, I would be willing to bet, Martha Stewart may not have made her all too prolific "mistake" had she been sleeping more. Thomas Edison may have invented the iPhone and not just the telegraph had he decided sleep was not a "waste of time." And Jay Leno...well the guy hosted late night TV; he didn't stand a chance of getting normal sleep.

I for one will be the first to tell you, I would rather be doing anything other than sleeping. I have a list of why-can't-I-get-it-all-done things and would pay good money to get an extra day of "extra time" each week. So why oh why do I take the time to shut my eyes for 7-9 hours each night? Sleep is important in so many aspects of ones physical, mental and emotional systems. Sleep increases ones immune system, decreases the chance of obesity, repairs your heart and blood vessels, balances hormone levels, promotes growth (the good kind) and repairs and builds muscle. Lack of sleep causes one to react slower, eat more, live life on the emotional edge (not so fun to be around angry pants), decreases your reaction time and causes you to drive like a lunatic as well as make poor decisions. I for one do not have the time to react slower, or make poor decisions or really any of those other things.

It will, at first, be difficult to sleep more hours each night. You will pace around like a wild cat thinking all of the things you could be getting done. But after a few nights of good sleep; 7-9 hours of no wake to pee, snack free, TV off before you fall asleep nights you will notice you will be more alert and more productive with each and every hour.

A few tips to fall asleep and stay asleep:
1. NO CAFFEINE AFTER 1PM! (Have I gotten my point across to you?)
2. No liquids an hour prior to bed.
3. No sleeping on a full stomach.
4. Be sure to turn your TV off prior to dozing. The light from the TV will wake you and prevent you from hitting true REM sleep.
5. Shoot to go to bed at the same time every night or with in one hour of the projected bedtime. In other words don't stay up 'til midnight on the weekends and try to go to bed at 9 on week days.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 1 - Completed!

Week One - Road to Boston
Day 1,2,3 - Prep Nutrition. Rest week between trainings.

Day 4 -  Easy 3 mile run. After a week and a half off I anticipated feeling like I was running with wings. I assure you my legs felt more like heavy bricks. Oddly enough there was no wind, but I felt like I was running against a turbine. Lets just call it slow and not easy. Sometimes easy is subjective.

photo.JPGDay 5 - 4.5 miles with two miles of Tempo Intervals. My first mile warm up was unnecessary since I decided to run at 6 o'clock at it was still 85degrees! I was warm before I even headed out! Who's idea was it to train for a 1/2 and full marathon through the summer months. Tempo was awesome but significantly slowed by the heat. Hydrate people! Before durning and after any run done outside this summer. Your body will sweat to cool you down, but will not be able to without adaquate water.

Day 6 - REST! Took it upon myself to focus on foam rolling (will talk more about this later), and hip exercises.

Day 7 - 5 miles on a treadmill. Thank you Cascade Athletic Club in Gresham OR for the new FreeMotion treadmills. Track running has never been so fun. I ran in Africa this week and there is nothing like being chased by lions to make you haul ass.

Week one is done and I feel like this is going to be a peice of cake. (Please don't throw this in my face after I post my 21 mile training day) Probably, becuase I have completed 12 miles in four days or maybe because I haven't had to juggle, Glide (we will talk about this is future posts), electrolyte replacements, food for the road and stretching calves while waiting in line. Continue following me every Wednesday for updates on my training and heck join in with me! You will be race ready for a half by August 10th and a full by December 15th if you begin today! Feel free to comment below how it's going for you or any questions you may have on training.

Please remember this training regimine is for advid to advanced runners. If you are using this for training purposes, please be sure to run at your speed and distance level. Decreasing mileage or taking days off may be necessary. When in doubt seek advice from a coach/trainer.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pale is the new Tan

Let there be light! And plenty of it, if we are referring to the light that is reflecting off of my legs at mid day. I'm fairly certain you can see these puppies from orbit. Why, may you ask, can my legs be picked up on space radar? It's not because I think the early 1800's are making a comeback or because I am a shut in. No, I get my fair share of sun rays. I, however, get them from the safety of my SPF 70. Don't jest, I'm not. You may have heard pale skin is back in fashion. I assure you, from the comments I receive on a moment by moment basis, this is not the case. I will admit to receiving my fare share of ridicule for reflecting the sun back at people, and possibly making a few cars hit the ditch while I am out running. I for one, am certain it's my blinding good looks and not my pale legs that causes these cars to go astray. We will just have to agree to disagree.

Often I can be heard reminding young and old to apply sunscreen. Mainly. because the tanner you look the more pale I look. However, the dreaded evil, skin cancer is an awefully great reason to go sans creosote and head back to the way nature intended and for some of us that is as pale as a baby's behind.

Skin cancer is the most common form on cancer in the US. There are more than 3.5 million cases diagnosed annually. I know my momma always told me I was one in a million and that's ok with me so long as I'm not one in 3.5 million.

And I DO NOT want to hear tan fat looks better than pale fat. Seriously! If the day comes when you are willing to deal with this Collage of melanomato get thisAn excessively tanned woman from New Jersey is facing child endangerment charges after she allegedly took her 5-year-old daughter to a tanning booth, and allowed the little girl to get a tanwell have at it. However, if you would like to heed my advice then you should know....

All sunscreens are not created equal. Please just take my word for this. Fairly good word of advice is: if it's easy to apply it's probably not good for you. You know those spray on sunscreens you all grew up inhaling as your parents sprayed you down so thoroughly you glistened in the sun. Yep, those are no good. Find a sunBLOCK with zinc oxide. Now, I must caution you. You will most certainly turn a nice matte white color as zinc oxide does not absorb into your skin. However, I assure you, the nice matte white finish is must better looking than basal cell carcinoma. Happy Summer time! Enjoy from your wide brimmed hats!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Pantry and Fridge OVERHAUL

Photo:Fruits and Vegetables

One week of no dairy, sugar, grains or alcohols. Let me tell you America; we are living in a foggy haze and don't even know it. I embarked on this challenge to rid myself of what years of eating sugar and simple carbs has done to my digestive tract. Embarassingly, I admit I am a bit of a sugar-a-holic and also admit; I train to eat instead of eating to train.

New leaf, here I am. Days one, two and three were rough and also surprisingly easy. The headaches from refusing my body sugar were a real pain in the... And now that I think about it the extreme increase in green leafy veggies were equally a pain in the... However, on the brighter side, I fell asleep with ease and oddly, popped out of bed at the crack of dawn (4am). My husband would tell you I already popped out of bed like toast, but now I jump out of bed like bread on fire, toast. I ate a ridiculous amount of blended veggies. You name it, it was in my blender at one point. I stocked up on healthy fats such as flax seed and olive oil, I ate lean proteins at each meal instead of once a day. My veggie (organic) servings sky rocketed and I began to feel like carrots and fruit were tasty treats.

Foods to Protect Your Heart
I have five more weeks to go. I have had my blood work done and am awaiting to see the results, but while I wait for science here are the changes I have seen/felt. I no long crave sugar or carbs. I have not thought to myself, "What tasty treat can I have now that I'm full from dinner." I eat approx. 300-350 calories at each meal and feel satisfied and sometimes full. I have lost 1.5 pounds (this was not my goal but still surprising to me, since I only exercised 2.5 hours all week). I do not NEED a cup of coffee in the mornings to feel alert and I no longer toss and turn in bed for nearly an hour to fall asleep. Most surprising to me is, I was finding myself slurring my speech and feeling foggy in the brain and now I think and speak more clearly. However, I'm fairly certain, my clients wished I wouldn't speak at all.

Take home lesson here: your food is your medicine. Your food choices determine how you will feel and function. Here are your action steps. 1. Visit your doctor and have your blood work done, initial weigh in and blood pressure reading. 2. Head to your pantry and start to over haul. Out with flour sugar, dairy and anything in a box and in with the vegetables, beans, nuts and lean proteins. I'm serious you will be forced to think outside of the box and quite frankly if you can't find ANYTHING to eat, well, I'm sure you wont starve to death. 3. Get moving. Exercise is not mandatory, but high five if you do. I mean actually move. Get up and clean your house, mow your own lawn, park farther away, make excuses to move each day. 4. WRITE IT DOWN!!!!! I cannot be more adamant about any of the action steps. Writing things down allows you to see your goal and when written, more people will achieve their goal. And lastly 5. Get accountable. This may mean finding a personal trainer/health coach, asking your spouse to back you up, or having your best and most vocal friend check up on your daily. Find someone that will call you on your crap and isn't afraid to hear, "You don't understand." And once they here that, will sincerely and with much love say "I don't give a rats .... stop eating the crap and get moving."

Feel free to comment below and I will gladly remind you to put the donut down and step away from the french fries!