Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Beet Salad Yummy Yummy

Holy Mother of Pearl! I have found my Holy Grail, my end of the rainbow, my golden ticket, my Publishers Clearing House Announcement. Beets! Okay, don't stop reading. I'm serious. I about fell out of my seat when I read it. I was browsing and carousing the internet trying to get some good ol' info on our newest veggie of the week and there it was. Beets will give you a TAN! Now I'm not sure if any of you know me very well but I can be seen reflecting the sun on hot summer days. My legs have been lovingly (I'm sure...I hope) referred to as Casper and there is no need to look for a vein while taking blood my skin is actually transparent. So yes, you can imagine my suprise when I found out that this new little treasure is what I've been looking for all my life! That may be a slight exageration. So before you go out and start buying up all of the beets in your city, you should know someone has already tapped this market. You can find beet juice at all-natural spray tan sites. Sooooo, in the event you see me walking around in my new la'freak, also known as an unseasonal tan, you can give me a high five for eating...errrrr wearing my veggies.

For those of you that are not convinced by the miracle of veggie tanning. Here are a few other gems of goodness for you. Beets are naturally high in potassium (important for heart function), mangnesium (good for bone health), beta-carotene (powerful antioxidant),  and folate (aids in cancer prevention). Beets also contain betacyanin, which although sounds a bit like an under the sink poison, it is known to have anti-cancer properties. http://www.safeway.com/IFL/Grocery/Recipe-Search?contentURL=http://recipes.safeway.com/recipe/77215/roasted-beets--n--sweets.aspx

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