Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rules of the Sidewalk

I am quite certain if our local DMV insists on receiving a drivers license to drive, then we should also have walker/runners licenses. As a fellow driver and and avid runner I have had my bouts of frustration with both parties. In my younger less wise days (I know this may seem shocking to you) I would carry pine cones to throw at cars when they got too close to me and my dear sweet stroller. If I had a walk sign then get the heck out of my way. I've been flipped off, flipped out and freaking mad at times. So I've decided to compile a list of rules of the sidewalk.

1. Look both ways and proceed with caution. You may have a walk sign  and you may have the right away, but, if a 2 ton car is hurling towards you with no awareness of your existence, the car is going to win. Look before you step off the sidewalk. Make eye contact and proceed with caution until you are across the street. Quite frankly continue to proceed with caution for another 100 feet. I've seen our local drivers. You aren't really safe until you are home.

1990's Mens Wicked 90s Shorts2. Black clothing may be slimming and in fashion, but BLACK CLOTHING IS A TERRIBLE IDEA WHILE RUNNING/WALKING. As a driver I will let you know something that may seem obvious. If I can't see you, then I can't SEE you. I do not intend to scare the crap out of you by a close call turn. Wear yellow! In fact head back to the late 80's and early 90's. If it was in style then, then go right ahead and wear it while running.

3. Be aware and be friendly. A hello while passing another person is not only friendliness it also allows the person to know you see them. In regards to safety, the person looking at their feet with their headphones in is more susceptible to being accosted. Look up, acknowledge and for goodness sakes smile. I promise smiling only takes half an ounce of energy. Not even enough to burn up those needed-for-running calories.

My fourth rule is for drivers.

4. Share the flipping crosswalks. If you have a blinking yellow turn signal, it means look for cars and pedestrians. If you decide to cross and there is a pedestrian in the cross walk don't flip them off for being in your way.

Happy running, walking and driving. In the event you are that angry under slept, under fed, over caffeinated person I referenced in my previous post, I recommend staying off the roads all together.

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