Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bell Peppers the Miracle Fruit

Bell Pepper BasicsHark! Bell peppers are fruit! Heaven to mercy. I'm telling you the things I am informed of on a daily basis would shock and astound many, and simply boor others. This week our vegetable in spotlight is the bell pepper. Other than being ridiculously expensive they are also packed full of healing tasty medicine. Let me elaborate. Bell peppers, all, but particularly red bell peppers, are filled with Vitamin A (helps preserve eyesight and fend off infections), Vitamin C (may lower the rist of cancer and protect against cataracts), Vitamin B6 (vital for brain and immune function), Lutein and Zeaxanthin (slows the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration), beta-carotene (protects against breast cancer before menopause) and lycopene (decreases the risk of ovarian cancer). It may seem that this veggie was put on Earth to help women and I have probably lost most of my male readers by dropping the words ovaries, breast and menopause in one blog post. I assure you, this is an equal opportunity veggie/fruit. Please also remember variety is key. You will find red and orange bell peppers will cost you about...say... your first and second born while green bell peppers will be closer to $3.99 a pound. I suggest cutting off any portion of the pepper you don't want such as the seeds, core and stem as this will cut down on cost....do not actually do this as I'm sure your local grocer will not find this acceptable thrifty practice.

Compliments of Martha Stewart:

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